Saturday, February 21, 2009

Marc by Marc Jacobs

I think the styling of the guys' outfits are much better than most of the girls', and the tights and boots are distracting at times, but everything is still so cute.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Oh the things I would do to see this in person.


Marchesa never disappoints me.
I am becoming a millionaire to make sure my wedding dress is Marchesa.

Philip Lim

I want every single piece of this outfit.
How amazing are the details.


J. Mendel

Beautiful. The color's so rich.

I'd like this more if that bottom half of the skirt wasn't there.
Love the details though.

Such an amazing finale dress.
The details, the fabric, the model.

Jill Stuart

My god, SWOON.

Scandalous but cute.

Someone buy me all of these, pleaase.

Fashion Week

The madness has begun again.
Which means I am forced to make ridiculous amounts of updates again.
Which means you will start reading my blog again!

Erin Fetherston


This reminds me of a cross between Alice in Wonderland's dress and the rabbits outfit.

I always, always love her stuff.

Yigal Azrouel

I didn't like this at first, but it grows on me the more I look at it.

The shirt looks like a painting. I want.

Minimalist delight. I've been seeing this Asian model everywhere too and it makes me very happy.
She's rad.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Little boy on drugs after dentist

This might be one of my favorite top five videos, ever.